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How Sebastian Weikard trains 200 employees

Autarke Energieversorgung DTV

Sebastian runs a company that helps customers achieve energy independence. The introduction of LearningSuite as a digital training platform solved challenges such as lack of scalability and measurability. The platform reduced training time, streamlined onboarding and increased added value for customers, making our software a valuable tool.

Introduction of the entrepreneur:

Sebastian Weikard runs a company consisting of 300 employees that supports customers on their way to energy independence. With the introduction of LearningSuite as a digital training platform, they were able to successfully overcome challenges such as lack of scalability and measurability.

LearningSuite has reduced the overall training time, streamlined onboarding and increased added value for their customers. As a result, LearningSuite has proven to be an extremely valuable tool.


Challenges before LearningSuite:

Sebastian faced a number of challenges related to the training and onboarding process of new employees.

The process wasn't smooth and the existing tools couldn't provide the desired value.

As a result, the training period for employees was extensive, the training platform was confusing and many questions occurred. This resulted in inefficient work processes, which led to increased resource expenditure.



Sebastian's goal was to improve the onboarding process and thus shorten the training period. To do this, the current training platform had to become more user-friendly, since the previous learning platform was too complicated to use. He also wanted to offer end customers added value via training content, as this is another USP for him that no other company in this sector has in this form.



He found the solution to Sebastian's problems in LearningSuite. He became aware of the software after watching a YouTube video in which the software was presented at an employer conference.

This video gave him a glimpse of the software's capabilities, and he immediately contacted us. The consultation with our expert was extremely positive, and Sebastian was so impressed with LearningSuite that he immediately arranged a demo call. After just a few minutes, he decided that LearningSuite was the perfect tool and started implementing it just one day later.

Four different courses have therefore been set up in LearningSuite: One for employees in the segment of education and training, one for customers, in which information about projects and products can be found, one for companies to communicate in a standardised quality and fashion, and one for personal development.

LearningSuite is characterised by its simplicity and ease of use. Even less tech-savvy employees could use the software without training. The intuitive navigation and minimalistic design make it easy to use.



LearningSuite exceeded Sebastian's expectations.

“What actually made me happiest about LearningSuite was that after 10-12 hours I had set up the entire Academy myself, without an external developer, without a call for help and without an onboarding call from the provider.I was able to do that and was also somewhat proud of myself when I revolutionised the entire training process in the company within one Sunday.

I would recommend LearningSuite to anyone who is serious about their business, company, and employees.”

There is no way around a digital education platform these days, and LearningSuite is the best choice for scaling and success. In summary, the successes of Sebastian and LearningSuite's collaboration are obvious:

They have reduced training time, improved the onboarding process and offered customers unique added value. LearningSuite was the solution to Sebastian's problems and exceeded his expectations.

“That's why: Anyone who is serious and anyone who wants to scale can't come around LearningSuite,” Sebastian concludes in the video.

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von LearningSuite profitieren?

Im Democall zeigen wir dir die Software im Detail, individuell auf deinen Anwendungsfall (Onboarding, Coaching-Plattform, Online-Kurs) zugeschnitten und beantworten all deine Fragen.

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